NGO as Triple-Helix axis: Some lessons from Nias community empowerment on cocoa production
2012 • C.P.M. Sianipar and K. Widaretna
The Best Student Paper in Triple-Helix 10th International Conference
Abstract. Community empowerment is one of the main purposes of development in developing countries. While development only result in a ratio between the ‘before’ and ‘after’ condition, empowerment can keep the continuity of the development through the good relationship between related parties, in terms of knowledge production and field application. Since the parties in community empowerment are tightly related with Triple-Helix model, Non-governmental organization (NGO), as a non-profit organization in community empowerment projects, should catch its opportunities as the axis of those three helices. The case of Nias community empowerment on cocoa production presents some lessons which seek to illustrate the links between parties in a community empowerment project. While each of three helices makes its movements by itself, NGO fill-in the gap in interactions between helices as well as interaction among sub-entities in each helix. The convergence between helices builds opportunities for each connection, so it is analyzed carefully through internal information to find the most appropriate relationship in the field. By focusing on the gathering of new thought of the Triple-Helix approach, this paper proposes a simple model as the initial step to develop new applications of the concept, then emerges a new thought that Triple-Helix can be implemented in wider phenomenon among societies, and give opportunities for further research around it.
DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.456
Citation Styles
MLA Style Manual (Modern Language Association)
- Sianipar, Corinthias P.M., and Kitri Widaretna. “NGO as Triple-Helix axis: Some lessons from Nias community empowerment on cocoa production.” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 52 (2012): 197-206.
APA Citation Format
- Sianipar, C. P. M., & Widaretna, K. (2012). NGO as Triple-Helix axis: Some lessons from Nias community empowerment on cocoa production. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 52, 197-206.
CMOS (Chicago Manual of Style)
- Sianipar, Corinthias Pamatang Morgana, and Kitri Widaretna. “NGO as Triple-Helix axis: Some lessons from Nias community empowerment on cocoa production.” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 52 (2012): 197-206.