Materials selection in Appropriate Technology: Four focuses in design thinking
2013 • C.P.M. Sianipar, H. Taufiq, H.R. Estiningtyas, K. Dowaki, A. Adhiutama and G. Yudoko
Abstract. Appropriate technology is widely recognized as a good solution in providing alternative technology for underdeveloped people who live in a very limited circumstance. However, it is often seen as an idea without clear explanation from engineering perspective. One of critical process in appropriate technology design process is materials selection. This study aims to provide applied logic for selecting materials in the design process. The logic is constructed by surveying previous notions from researchers. Reasoning techniques are explored by using design thinking. This study reveals that there are four focuses which must be applied to find sufficient materials for an appropriate technology. This study also concludes that, unlike pure engineering efforts which tend to substitute materials given in a technology design with locally available ones, appropriate technology start from existing resources to produce its design. It requires soft selection by involving local people in exploring any potential materials which already available in their own area. By looking at previous studies which tended to ignore the contribution from local people in exploring potential materials, this study turns it back and encourages insights for further research around it.
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.789.379
Citation Styles
MLA Style Manual (Modern Language Association)
- Sianipar, Corinthias PM, et al. “Materials selection in Appropriate Technology: Four focuses in design thinking.” Advanced Materials Research 789 (2013): 379-382.
APA Citation Format
- Sianipar, C. P., Taufiq, H., Estiningtyas, H. R., Dowaki, K., Adhiutama, A., & Yudoko, G. (2013). Materials selection in Appropriate Technology: Four focuses in design thinking. Advanced Materials Research, 789, 379-382.
CMOS (Chicago Manual of Style)
- Sianipar, Corinthias PM, Husein Taufiq, Heny R. Estiningtyas, Kiyoshi Dowaki, Akbar Adhiutama, and Gatot Yudoko. “Materials selection in Appropriate Technology: Four focuses in design thinking.” Advanced Materials Research 789 (2013): 379-382.