C.P.M. Sianipar
Technologist / Scientist
Works in applied systems analysis.
Sustainability lover, survivability seeker.
Appropriate technology designer.
Development endorser.
Empowerment doer.
That's it.
Eng.D. | Graduate School of Science and Technology
Sustainability Science. Systems Engineering. Appropriate Technology. Social Engineering. Agricultural Technology. Technological Change.
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics (農業情報学会)2020 - present
〒104-0033 東京都中央区新川2-22-4 新共立ビル2F 株式会社共立
Agriculture Informatics. Digital Agriculture. Data Science. Information Network. Rural/Urban Agriculture. Smart Farming.
Mathematical Optimization Society2018 - present
3600 Market Street (6th Floor), Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688, USA
Machine Learning. Stochastic Optimization. Convex Programming. Multi-Objecttive Optimization. Multi-Modal Optimization. Risk Analysis.
Int. Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)2016 - 2017
Corbeekhoeve, Pastoriestraat 2, 3360 Korbeek-Lo, Leuven, Belgium
Drying Technology. Food and Agricultural Waste Management. Food Security and Safety. Postharvest Engineering.
System Dynamics Society (SDS)2014 - present
Rockefeller College, 135 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12222, USA
System Dynamics. Systems Thinking. System Modelling. Policy Development. Mathematical Model.
Triple Helix Association (THA)2012 - present
Corso Giulio Cesare 4 bis/B, Turin 10152, Italy
Developing Countries. Community Development. Triple-Helix Concept. Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
Editorial Board (Section Editor)2020 - present
MITRA: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Catholic University of Atmajaya, Indonesia.
Guest Editor2018
International Journal of Business and Globalisation (IJBG)
Inderscience Publishers, United Kingdom.
Guest Editor2017
International Journal of Learning and Change (IJLC)
Inderscience Publishers, United Kingdom.
Available for Peer-reviews2020
Topics: Social Systems Engineering. Complex Systsems. Applied Systems Analysis. Design for Sustainability. Sustainability Science. Environmental Engineering. Ecological Economics. Agriculture Systems. System Dynamics. Agent-Based Simulation. Scenario Modelling. Systems Thinking. Cybernetics. Life-Cycle Assessment. Environmental Impact Analysis. Circular Economy. Spatial Economics. Decision Making & Policy Analysis. Appropriate Technology. Agriculture Technology. Technological Change. Economics of Innovation. Development Engineering. Community Empowerment. Inclusive Development. Vulnerability Studies. Local Economic Development. Rural Planning & Management. Agricultural Economics. Food Systems. Tourism Management. Social Media & Information Management. Social Entrepreneurship
Honor, Election & Prizes
The Best Graduate (Graduate Excellence Award)2017
Faculty of Science & Technology - TUS, Japan
Elected Leader (Business Special Interest Group)2016
System Dynamics Society (SDS), USA
Elected Presidential Speaker2016
("Science to Policy to Action")
Presidential Visit of H.E. Tarja Halonen (President of Finland 2002-2012) & H.E. Heinz Fischer (President of Austria 2004-2016)
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship Award2015
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology, Japan
JASSO International Scholarship Award2012
Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), Japan
The Best Student Paper2012
Triple-Helix 10th International Conference
ITB Voucher Scholarship Award2011
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia
The Best Graduate2010
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The Best Graduate2008
Mechanical Design Engineering Technology
Toyota Scholarship Award2005
Toyota Foundation
Development Eng.
Systems Analysis
Design Engineering
Appropriate Tech.
Social Engineering
Manufacture Eng.
Life-Cycle Assess.
Systems Thinking
System Dynamics
Stochastic Prog.
Circular Econ.
Industrial Adm.
Operations Strat.
Decision Making
Community Emp.
Creo Elements/Pro
Autodesk AutoCAD
ANSYS Workbench
- All
- Design Studies
- Appropriate Technology
- Community Empowerment
- Supply-Chain
- Decision Science
- Triple Helix
- Entrepreneurship
- Social Media
IOP Con. Ser.: MSE
2014, 58 : 012022 -
Sustain. Cities Soc.
2014, 12 : 31-45 -
J. Sustain. Sc. Manage.
2014, 9 : 1-17 -
Appl. Mech. Mater.
2014, 606 : 281-285 -
Key Eng. Mater.
2014, 594-595 : 334-338 -
From Sources to Solutions
2014, ch.11, pp. 55-60 -
Appl. Mech. Mater.
2014, 493 : 432-437 -
Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
2014, 6 (1) : 141-142 -
2013, 5 (8) : 3382-3425 -
Adv. Mat. Res.
2013, 789 : 379-382 -
Eur. J. Sustain. Dev.
2013, 2 (4) : 1-18 -
Am. J. Tour. Manage.
2013, 2 (1) : 22-28 -
Procedia Environ. Sci.
2013, 17 : 1007-1016 -
Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci.
2012, 52 : 197-206
Contact info
- School of Business and Management (SBM)
- Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
- Jl. Ganeca 10 (Gedung SBM-ITB)
- Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132
- morgana.sianipar[
- m[